Work with us

GlobalView does not hold client assets. Client assets are maintained in the client’s name with globally recognized custodian banks of the client’s choice with full visibility on all investments. GlobalView is authorized to make and execute investment decisions based on a client mandate but is not authorized to transfer funds or securities from client accounts.

Core Realities

We acknowledge that client’s interests may be best served by a number of carefully selected banking relationships. However, this introduces an element of complexity in managing your assets.


In addition, as a consequence of clients having a number of banking relationships, bank staff turnover may result in a loss of continuity and confidentiality, thus diminishing the effectiveness of advice received.


In spite of efforts by many private banks to create an open architecture platform, embedded conflicts of interests remain, particularly in the area of asset management.

GlobalView Solution

GlobalView provides its clients with a consolidated overview of their wealth allowing for an integrated approach in managing investments across all banking relationships on a discretionary basis.

Our partnership structure is designed to provide long-term client relationship continuity, alignment of interests, understanding and confidentiality which remains in place long after the prospecting phase is completed.

Our mission is to be the client’s advocate. We provide unbiased financial advice. GlobalView provides its services for explicit, transparent fees. GlobalView’s compensation is solely that received from its clients, thus assuring a single focus on serving the client’s best interests.

Our investment team works closely with major financial institutions and specialist fund managers to identify best-in-class asset managers covering a wide range of asset classes including Global and Regional Equities, Fixed Income, Hedge Funds, Private Equity and Real Estate.